Tomorrow, the fourth grade will be presenting their annual musical entitled " From The Inside Out." Student need to bring $1.00 for admission to the play. The night performance begins at 6:30. Admission is a donation.
Sixth Graders: Please bring your 7th grade registration form to your teacher by Wednesday. This should be signed by your parent if you want to participate in any extracurricular activity next school year (sports, band, etc.). If you do not want to participate, please write NONE and turn in to your teacher. Thank you.
This is a reminder to bring your breakfast items for our retirement party by 7:30 in the morning. If you didn't sign up just bring anything if you plan to eat. Thank you all for helping!!
The Piggott School District and the City of Piggott are applying for a Joint Use Agreement Grant in the amount of $30,500 to complete some projects at Independence Park's Baseball and Softball Fields. We ask that all school and community members complete the following survey to assist us with developing a plan for our project(s)
Students: Be sure you have your chrome book and charger with you at school this week. We are going to start collecting them. We will call you to the library when we are ready. There will be chrome book carts in some classrooms to use for any assignments.--Students also need to turn in library books.
Please be sure that you have turned in all books to your teachers before you can be exempt.
Tennis signups are in Coach Seegraves’s outer office. Please sign up and pick up the forms when you are available by May 23rd.
The fun run will be Monday, May 16th. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
PACE accepting nominations
Nominations are being accepted for the Piggott Schools PACE program (Program for Academic and Creative Excellence). Nomination forms may be picked up and returned to the elementary school or high school offices. Those wanting more information may contact Cassie Knight, PACE coordinator, by email at or by phone at the PES office at 870-598-2546.
This is a reminder that PES track and field day will be Monday, May 9, for grades 3rd-6th. Please make sure all students wear comfy clothes and tennis shoes. Thank you!
Seniors need to bring their chrome books and chargers to school on Thursday.
Seniors need to bring their chromebooks and chargers to school on Thursday.
Seniors going on the senior trip need to meet in the New Gym parking lot at 6:15 a.m., Tuesday, May 4. The bus will leave the parking lot at 6:30 a.m. and we should return around 9 p.m. If you are not attending the senior trip, you are required to attend school or you will be counted absent.
The 2022 yearbooks are in . Extras are available at the elementary school. Elementary yearbooks are $35 and high school yearbooks are $50.
The 2022 Mohawk Pageant will take place this Saturday, April 30th, in the PHS Middle Gym. Entry forms may be found in the PES office and the PHS office. Entry forms and fees may be turned through Saturday, April 30 or may be turned in to the PES and PHS offices. Please check the Piggott Mohawk Band Boosters Facebook page for more details.
Attention Seniors: The deadline for the Local Scholarships, Gaylon Lawrence Memorial Scholarship, Kalem Rouse Memorial Scholarship, Matthew Brown Scholarship, Holly Alonzo New Beginnings Scholarship, Piggott Elementary Scholarship is Tomorrow, Friday, April 29. All of these must be printed and submitted by Friday. Clay Conservation Scholarship and Clay County Cattleman's Association Scholarship deadline is May 1 (will be accepted on Monday, May 2.)
The 2022 Mohawk Pageant will take place this Saturday, April 30th, in the PHS Middle Gym. Entry forms may be found in the PES office and the PHS office. Entry forms and fees may be turned through Saturday, April 30 or may be turned in to the PES and PHS offices. Please check the Piggott Mohawk Band Boosters Facebook page for more details.
The Sr. High baseball team will be in a regional qualifying game tomorrow vs. Gosnell at 1:00 at Rivercrest . Students wanting to go see the team play will need to have a written parental permission note. Students will need to turn in their notes into the front office. Students who have permission will be able to leave after 3rd period. Students who are testing will have to wait after the test is finished before leaving school. Students will need to check in with Coach Seegraves at the game . Students failing to check in at the game will be counted absent . Please allow at least an hour and a half to go to Rivercrest . Let’s go Mohawks!!!!
This is a reminder for parents of students participating in the Mini Mohawk Cheerleading Clinic. We will be having our mini clinic performance and presentation of awards beginning at 4:30 pm, Friday, April 29th at the elementary school gym. We hope to see you there. The girls will still need to stay after school to get their t-shirts and review before the performance. Thank you for allowing your child to participate this week. We appreciate your support of Mohawk cheerleading!
Seniors: The deadline for most of the local scholarships is this Friday, April 29. We will not accept late submittals as this has been announced for several days. The website Announcement page and the Scholarships page will help you find many of the applications. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Amber or Mrs. Conley. Please don't miss out on a chance for financial help for your next level.
Parents of Juniors: PHS Prom is just around the corner. Next Friday, April 22nd, Junior parents will be hosting PHS After-Prom. We need your help chaperoning this fun, safe night for students . This can’t happen without us pulling together. We will need chaperones and volunteers to help with games, food, and prizes. Please sign up to help so we can provide a safe environment for our students to remember. To volunteer, text Chris Brantley at 870-634-7197. Thank you for your support. Students received a sign-up form for After-Prom. These need to be filled out and returned to school by next Wednesday April 20th in order for your child to attend After-Prom.