There will be a special school board meeting on Monday, July 30th. The meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. in the Administration Office.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
Open House at Piggott Elementary School on Monday, August 6 at 6:00. 7th Grade/New Student Orientation and Open House will be at Piggott High School on Tuesday, August 7.
over 6 years ago, High School
New Student Registration will be Wednesday, August 1 at both campuses beginning at 8:30 a.m.
over 6 years ago, High School
There will be a special school board meeting on Thursday, July 19th. The meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. in the Administration Office.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
The school board meeting for Monday, July 9th, has been moved to Tuesday, July 10th. It will be in the Administration Office at 5:30.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
Report Cards can be picked up through Thursday, June 7 in the H.S. Office. All lunch debt, overdue library books, etc must be paid in order to receive report cards. posted Lf small Sms small
over 6 years ago, High School
The Summer Feeding Program is going on Mondays through Thursdays beginning June 4. This is free for all ages 0-18 years. Breakfast is 8-9 am. and Lunch 11:30-12:30 Adult Breakfast $2 and Lunch $3.75
over 6 years ago, High School
There will be a special school board meeting on Thursday, May 31. The meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. in the Administration Office.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
High School Report Cards will be ready on Thursday, May 31 in the High School Office. All lunch debt, overdue library books, etc must be paid in order to receive report cards.
over 6 years ago, High School
The school board meeting for Monday, June 11, has been moved to Thursday, June 7. It will be in the Administration Office at 5:30.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
The 2017-18 School year has ended. Don't forget our summer feeding program, summer school, and ACT prep classes that will begin shortly. Have a great summer!
over 6 years ago, High School
Piggott Schools will have early dismissal tomorrow, May 24. Elementary car riders will leave at 1:05, bus riders at 1:15 and walkers at 1:20. High School will dismiss at 1:25. Have a great summer.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
The school board meeting tonight will be held in the Elementary Library at 5:30 p.m.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
Today is the last day to register without late fees for the June 9 ACT given here at PHS. Go to to register. School code 042-005
over 6 years ago, High School
This is a message for all Piggott Elementary parents. Our Spring Fest has been cancelled for Friday, May 5 and will be rescheduled for Wednesday, May 9. Thank you!
over 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
To the parents of Piggott Elementary Tuesday, May 1 is group picture day at the elementary school. Cost is $5.00 for a five by seven picture. If you are wanting a group picture of your child's homeroom, the money has to be paid by Monday. This is a way for the elementary school to help the High School FBLA go to nationals this summer. Help make memories for your child and support FBLA. All checks need to be made to Piggott Elementary School. Thanks!
over 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
You're a good man, Charlie Brown the Musical presented by the PHS Music Dept. will be performed Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Cost is Adults $5 and Students $3. There will be a concession stand.
over 6 years ago, High School
There will be a special school board meeting on Thursday, April 26th. The meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. in the Administration Office.
over 6 years ago, Technology Dept
To the parents of all second grade students. All students must be at school by 6:45 a.m. to load the bus. We will leave promptly at 7:00 a.m. Please be at the school at 4:30 to pick your child up. Thank you
over 6 years ago, Elementary Secretary
The Gaylon Lawrence Memorial Scholarship applications are due this Friday, April 13. There will be 2 scholarships given in the amount of $8,000. See Mrs. Conley for details.
over 6 years ago, High School