Announcements 4-14-2021
Congrats to the Sr. High baseball team for defeating Osceola.
Congratulations to the following Jr High Track members from the Jr Mohawk Invitiation:
Girls placed 2nd in the meet
Jessie Henson- 2nd high jump, 1st 100 meter hurdles, 2nd 300 meter hurdles
Taylor Peters- 2nd discus and shot
Nya Noble-Romero- 2nd 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 1st 400 meter dash
Elizabeth Fennell- 3rd 800 meter run
4x100 relay team 1st: Jessie Henson, Elizabeth Fennell, Nya Noble-Romero, Bre Harmon
Boys placed 1st in meet
Aaron Mauldin- 1st discus, 3rd shot put
Drake Olsen- 2nd 100 meter dash, 3rd 400 meter dash
Kaiden Scudder-2nd long jump
Keegan Scudder 1st triple jump
Walker Johnson 3rd long jump
Dagan Frerking- 1st 1600 meter run, 3rd 800 meter run
Caiden Mayberry-3rd 300 meter hurdles
Jesus Garcia- 3rd 200 meter dash
4x100 meter relay 2nd Waker Johnson, Jesus Garcia, Keegan Scudder, Kaiden Scudder
4x200 meter relay Drake Olsen, Kaiden Scudder, Keegan Scudder, Jesus Garcia
4x400 meter relay Jose Avila, Ben Latimer, Caiden Mayberry, Dagan Frerking
Progress Reports will go out next Thursday, April 22. Teachers: Grades must be in the computer by the end of the day on Tuesday, April 20.
Driver's License Testing (written and skilled) will return to the Piggott Community Center this on month on Tuesday, April 27. Written testing in the morning, Skills driving in the afternoon.
Students: There are some students who are not going to the front of the building during class when the doors are locked. Please do not beat on the end doors during class time. You should enter through the front door of the building.
Students and Teachers: The mask policy is still in effect for the remaining school year. ----You MUST WEAR MASKS in the hallway and in classes that cannot be socially distanced. Please also put your masks ON anytime you are mobile including the cafeteria during lunch. Students must come in the cafeteria/building when arriving at school. No one is to stay in vehicles in the parking lot or leave campus.
Congrats to Destini Chase for getting a tennis scholarship to Holmes Community College.
Tuesday - Thursday, April 13-15 will be ACTAspire Testing for 7th and 8th Grade. ALL Students will test. Bring fully-charged chromebooks. Students should be quiet in the hallways where testing signs are posted.
The following students will be participating in FFA competitions: 4/14- State CDE Dairy Foods- Shawnee Latimer, Kalaya Cole, Madison Blackwell, Elizabeth Spinks --- 4/19- State Parlimentary CDE- Shawnee Latimer, Kalaya Cole, Chandler Smart, Elise Gossett, Natalie Boyd, Morgan Smart
Any student grades 7-11 who wants to join band next year needs to see Mr. Coyle. Former members are also welcome to rejoin! Please speak with him before the end of the semester. Also, see Mr. Coyle if anyone grades 9-11 are interested in auditioning for color guard. He will have a schedule of practice days and auditions ready for you. You do not have to be a current band member to audition!
Students: Please check the office for items that have been lost or misplaced.
Attention Students and Teachers: --NO HATS are allowed on campus. Hoods must be removed upon coming into any building.
--PLEASE carry a water bottle as you are not able to get a drink from the fountain unless you have a bottle. It can be a disposable type or a reusable type.
This Friday, April 16 is a FLEX DAY. We will have Flex days on Fridays until further notice. Students coming to school should report to the cafeteria. Breakfast and Lunch will be served.
This year's Sophomores and Juniors: If you are interested in taking concurrent classes next year ---- see Mrs. Amber. --It is time to register. You must have qualifying ACT Aspire (9th or 10th scores) or ACT scores. We can submit the paperwork starting April 5, 2021.
Thursday - Softball at Hoxie. Please dismiss at 1:00.
Thursday- Baseball vs. Gosnell at Home. Please dismiss at 1:20.
Thursday- High School Track - Mohawk Invitational. Please dismiss both Jr High and Sr High members at 2:30.
WEDNESDAY, APR 14-Lunch- Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes ,Brown Gravy, Dinner Roll ,Black-Eye Peas, Fruit, Milk--Grilled Chicken Patty- ?? Wraps, Chef Salad
THURSDAY, APR 15-Breakfast-Super Donut Fruit Juice-Assorted Milk Mozzarella Cheese Stick-
Lunch- Turkey & Cheese Hoagie, Baked Lays Chips, Lettuce ,Tomato, Fresh Fruit, Milk- Mini Corn Dogs -??Wraps, Chef Salad
FRIDAY, APR 16-Breakfast-Pop Tart Fruit Juice-Assorted Milk--Lunch-Cook's Choice
Seniors: The local scholarship application is available on our school website. Go to Menu----> Documents----> scroll down to "Senior Info/Scholarships"----> You can click on "List of PHS scholarships" to see the scholarships available. Click on the PHS Local Scholarship Application for a fillable form. Turn in these applications to Mrs. Amber. Deadline is April 16, 2021.
**Textbook scholarship for Arkansas Tech University, Russellville which includes textbooks, supplies, etc. for the Fall 2021 semester. Deadline is May 15. Fill out the google form to apply.
Seniors: The Kalem Rouse Memorial Scholarship application is available in Mrs. Amber's office. Graduates planning to major/minor in agriculture field of study or enroll in a Vo-Tech are encouraged to apply for this scholarship.
Seniors: The Hannah Blankenship Memorial Scholarship application is available in Mrs. Amber's office. Must have at least a 3.0 GPA, provide proof of SAE & active participation in FFA during your senior year (SAE must be "hands-on" by the candidate), must provide a 500-1000 word essay. Deadline is April 16, 2021. Turn in application to Mrs. Amber.
Seniors: The Gaylon Lawrence Memorial Scholarship is a 4-year renewable scholarship of $1000 per semester given by the Piggott Community Sharing Hearts. This scholarship is for a student who exhibits excellence in academics, leadership, and character. The application is available from Mrs. Conley or Mrs. Amber or a fillable application can be found on the Piggott School website under Menu- Senior Info/Scholarship. A 300 word essay is required. Deadline is April 16, 2021.
**Seniors: Mrs. Amber has the Clay County Farm Bureau Scholarship application in her office. You must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better and must be a child or grandchild of an active Clay County Farm Bureau member. Preference goes toward seeking a degree in agriculture or the medical field, but it is not a requirement. Deadline is April 15, 2021
**Seniors: The Clay County Cattleman's Association is awarding a $500 scholarship to a student pursing a degree in Animal Science and/or Agriculture. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic achievement, individual character, career plans, and leadership potential. Preference may be given to children, grandchildren, or a relative of a Clay County Cattleman's Association Member. Please see Mrs. Amber for an application. Deadline is May 1.
**Textbook Scholarship for Fall 2021. Each scholarship will cover the full cost of books for the Fall 2021 semester. We will choose 2 winners at UCA, Conway and UACCM, Morrilton, then one winner for CBC, Conway. We will announce the winners on Facebook and Instagram, May 15th 2021. Students can also visit our website and fill out the scholarship form under our "info" tab. One entry person.
**Seniors: The Holly Mauldin Alonzo New Beginnings Scholarship application is now available. Email Mrs. Amber for the application. Applications will be accepted until April 30, 2021.
***Seniors: Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program-Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants are pleased to be able to continue with our scholarship program for the 15th year. We will be awarding up to $1,000 to the winner(s) each year. Scholarship Deadline - June 12, 2021.
Application Process-Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of our web site: Full details are available on our site.