Solar Eclipse viewing will be during 6th period classes today in your classrooms. The teachers have been given several websites. 5th period Boys P.E. and 6th period Boys P.E. will meet in Coach Medlen's classroom #210. 7th Grade Football will also meet in Coach Medlen's room. DO NOT GO TO THE OLD GYM! 6th and 7th period (7th and 8th Grade) Girls P.E. will meet in Coach Carr's classroom #212.
The deadline for schedule changes was Friday, August 18. There will be no schedule changes after this time.
Molly Williams, Georgina Bautista, Brett Burns, and Maggie Williams need to go to the computer lab 226 during activity period (Tuesday) to register with ASU.
Any student in grades 9-12 interested in joining Sr. High FBLA should meet in the library Tuesday, August 22 during activity period.
Josten's will be her Wednesday, October 11 at 9:00 for Senior Graduation Supply and Junior Ring presentations. They will return the next Wednesday, October 18 to take the Jr. and Sr. orders.
Any 7th Grade or new student that has not had his/her hand scanned yet for the cafeteria should see Mrs. Tammy before school, before 9:00 a.m. for athletes, or at the end of lunch after everyone has gone through the line. This will make the lunch lines move much faster. Thank you.
Volleyball will play at Hoxie (TODAY) Monday, Aug.21 and be dismissed at 2:00. The first home game will be 7th grade and Junior High Volleyball vs. MacArthur on Tuesday, August 22. Thursday night, August 24 will be a home game for all volleyball teams vs. Harrisburg beginning at 4:30.
Senior High Football Jamboree on Monday, August 21 at Trumann. Junior High Football Jamboree will be Friday, August 25 at Trumann.
It's time to Join FCCLA! Students in grades 9-12 interested in joining FCCLA are invited to Mrs. Little's room (the FACS Department) Wednesday, August 23 during activity period.