Announcements 5-8-19
Seniors need to return their library books ASAP.
Seniors, please see the updated Senior information sheet for the schedule of events. It is located by Mrs. Little's door. Remember you must have correct attire for graduation.
Teachers, the last day Seniors will be in class will be tomorrow Thursday, May 9. Senior trip is Friday, May 10. All Seniors are excuse on Friday, May 10.
Seniors: Baccalaureate service will be on Wednesday, May 8 @ 6:30 at First General Baptist Church.
Seniors: Permission slips need to be turned in to Mrs. Tate or Mrs. Little TODAY in order to go on the Senior Trip Friday.
Robert Hackenson, the vape speaker, will speak TODAY to 9-12th grade at 9:00 am, 7-8th at 10:15 am, and elementary at 1:00 pm.
On Wednesday, May 8, all athletes in 10\11th grades who plan to participate in sports next year will be excused for physicals at 1:00. Students should get their parents to fill out the physical forms.
Teachers,Please excuse Presley Tullos all day on Thurs. May 9, she is spending an observation day at the ABC preschool as part of a requirement for CCGMS.
Several students will be out on Friday to help at elementary with the spring fest events.
Any person interested in purchasing a Donkey Basketball 2019 DVD for $10, there are envelopes in the office to for ordering.
If you ordered a Mohawk t-shirt from the After Prom committee you can pick up your shirts at the Superintendent's office.
The give away for the 32" Flat screen TV with built in DVD player has been postponed until Friday May 17. So you still have time to buy your chances. See Ashlyn Roberts, Kaylee Smith, Jordon Leggett or Mrs. Little to buy chances.
Grand March DVD's are available for $10. Graduation and Grand March DVD's can be purchased for $13 for both.
- 92nd Arkansas FFA State Convention April 22-24 2019
- Hot Springs AR State Champion!!
- Congratulations to the Piggott FFA Conduct of Chapter Meeting Team for winning State!!! Conduct of Chapter Meetings: Shawnee Latimer, Olivia Woolard, Kayala Cole, Logan White, Elise Gossett, Emma Gossett and Natalie Boyd
- Parliamentary Procedure Team: 4th in State and 2nd in the District
- Parliamentary Procedure Team- Brent Gossett, Charidy Featherston, Emma Shaw, Chandler Smart, Morgan Smart, and Catie Hill
- Creed Speaking: 4th in State and 2nd in District
- Creed Speaker: Micha Harrell
- State Farmer Degree: Kaylee Smith
- Arkansas FFA Scholarship: Madison VanerKooi
- American Degree Recipient: Alex Gibson, Allison Kilbreath
- They will receive their American FFA Degree at National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN
- Piggott FFA Chapter also received: National Chapter Award, Affiliated Chapter Award, 3rd Place in the Eastern District Sweepstakes
The 8th Graders will meet in the cafeteria on Friday morning at 8:30 with a representative from BRTC about the Arkansas Scholars program. All 8th grade students will attend.
Sr. High FBLA members attending Six Flags trip on Thursday, May 9: Trevor Arnell, Mycah Blascoe, Lauren Blurton, Brielle Burkman, Wesley Childers, Corbin Chronister, Bailey Davis, Kaylee Edwards, Drake Featherston, Rosie Garcia, James Hackworth, Piper Hicks, Shi Higdon, Kassidy Krause, Ryleigh Laden, Destiny Maine, Paylee Myhre, Tyson Peters, Madison Rahn, Tanner Reaves, Emma Riddle, Brooke Roberts, Katelyn Robertson, Natalie Small, Chandler Smart, Hunter Smith, Hayley Springsteen, Skylar Stone, Jake Williams, Macey Williams, Maggie Williams, Olivia Woolard, Jacob Davis, Reece Dotson, Carlie Vancil
Seniors: If you have received a scholarship and you want it announced at graduation, see Mrs. Amber for a form to fill out.
Seniors: Sign a poster on Mrs. Amber's door letting her know where you need a FINAL transcript sent.
The Color Run was rescheduled for Saturday, May 11. FBLA Volunteers will receive time and location details next week.
FBLA officer applications must be turned in to Mrs. Peters no later than Friday, May 10.
Try outs for Sr high volleyball will be next Wednesday, May 15th directly after school. Any girl trying out must have a current physical.
No Grab n Go until further notice. Unless there is a specific meeting, do not let your students leave during activity period. That includes going to the gyms (new, middle, and old).
Seniors: Males attending ASU in the fall can fill out a card for a $250 bookstore scholarship drawing. See Mrs. Amber for a card to fill out.
Students: Please check the lost and found for any coats, jackets, or other items.
Any student planning to take the Driver's Test this summer should see Mrs. Shamala and get your name on the list for paperwork.
Juniors - please submit to Sherry Taylor an idea or suggestion for a Senior T-shirt next year. Deadline is last day of school.
Any student grades 10-12 who is interested in working on the yearbook next school year, please see Sherry Taylor at the Superintendents office.
Students in 9th - 11th grades see Mrs. Amber if you need to sign up for summer school for credit recovery.
Seniors: Don't forget that any school debt must be paid by May 9 in order for you to participate in the graduation ceremony. This includes school lunch charges, book damages, fundraising debts, etc.
Scholarship Deadline June 14, 2019 There is still time for students to apply. Visit our website at to learn more about this opportunity.
Seniors: Males attending ASU in the fall can fill out a card for a $250 bookstore scholarship drawing. See Mrs. Amber for a card to fill out.
Seniors: The Holly Alonzo New Beginnings scholarship application is now available. Let Mrs. Amber know if you would like it emailed to you. It is to be submitted by email. The deadline is next Monday, May 13. It is a $1500 scholarship to be paid over 2 semesters. Priority is for a degree in a field that serves the public.
Seniors: Baccalaureate service will be on Wednesday, May 8 @ 6:30 at First General Baptist Church.
Seniors: The list of Honor Graduates has been posted on Mrs. Amber's door, the Office window, and on the Library window.
Seniors: The Horatio Alger Association Career & Technical Scholarship is available online at - first priority deadline is June15, 2019.
Seniors: Textbook Brokers in Searcy has an online application for textbook scholarships. These are chosen at random. Deadline is May 31, 2019. Schools served by Textbook Brokers in Searcy are: Harding, ASU Searcy, ASU Beebe, ASU Heber Springs.
Seniors: Textbook Brokers in offering a chance to win a textbook scholarship for high school students who are attending UCA, CBC or UACCM in Fall 2019. There will be 2 winners chosen at UCA and UACCM then one winner for CBC. They will call and email the winners once they have been selected. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. The link below will direct you to the Scholarship opportunity.