Announcements – Friday, Sept. 8, 2017
***Teachers: Grades must be in by the end of the day on Monday. Progress Reports go out next Wednesday, Sept. 13.
PHS students,BETA Advanced Topics and ALE thank you for your generous donations to the hurricane relief fund last week. The money will be sent to Houston this weekend. We have $900 now, which is fantastic! If anyone forgot to bring your pennies last week, you may still donate through tomorrow, and maybe we will top $1000! Thank you so much!
Teachers: There will class meeting next Thursday to discuss Homecoming Floats.
There will be a 7th grade class meeting in the Cafeteria on TODAY Friday, Sept. 8th.
**Senior Picture Day is TODAY Friday, Sept. 8. All Seniors will have yearbook/composite pictures made on this day. The sitting fee is $20. Seniors will receive an 8 x 10 of the composite as part of this fee. Please dress appropriately. See Miss Vernon for more details.
Please excuse Jolie Owen, Charidy Featherston, and Daniel Stockdill to help Miss Vernon with the Senior yearbook pictures.
*7-11th Grade Pictures will be made on Tuesday, Sept. 12.
**Congratulations to the Boys' Golf Team for defeating Corning, Hoxie, and Rector, Junior High Volleyball for defeating CRA, and Coach Lancaster wants to thank the student body for their outstanding support last night.
Seniors: The Horatio Alger Scholarship application is available online at - the eligibility criteria is online also. Deadline is October25, 2017.
For students who are 16 or older, Sonic has left some cards in the office for you if you would like to apply for the new Sonic here in Piggott.
Spanish Club will be having a meeting for 7th and 8th grade students who have a C average on Sept. 11th (Monday) in Ms. Cheng's Classroom #232.
FBLA will sell cookies at the beginning of 7th period on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays to classrooms. Cookies are still $.75 each. We may not make it to every class every time we sell, but will alternate to make sure we get to every class at least once each week.
There will be a Beta Meeting on Monday, Sept. 11 for all 11th and 12th Grade Beta Members. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 13 for all 9th and 10th Grade Beta members and those invited to join Beta.
It's time to Join FCCLA! Students in grades 9-12 interested in joining FCCLA are to see Mrs. Little.
Juniors, You must pay your class dues ASAP. See your CAPS advisor for what you owe. November 1, 2017 is the deadline, your dues must be paid or arrangements made by this date.
Students interested in joining Senior High FBLA should see Mrs. Peters. Dues are $10 and must be paid by September 22 if you wish to attend Fall Conference in Jonesboro.
Josten's will be her Wednesday, October 11 at 9:00 for Senior Graduation Supply and Junior Ring presentations. They will return the next Wednesday, October 18 to take the Jr. and Sr. orders.
If you need a work permit form - see Mrs. Amber
There have been several backpacks and lunch bags/boxes turned into the office. Please see Mrs. Shamala if you have lost or misplaced yours.
Students: When you arrive at school, you must come into the cafeteria. Please do not stay in vehicles or walk off campus. Duty teachers will make room for you when you come in the doors.
Students: Do NOT park in the VFW Building Parking Lot or by the Old Gym.